Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Architecture as a general knowledge...it is true..??

The word "architect" comes from Latin architectus, which in turn derives from Greek arkhitekton (arkhi, chief + tekton, builder")

The term
architecture can be used to mean a process, a profession or documentation.

Architecture is the activity of designing and constructing building and other physical structure by a person or a machine, primarily done to provide socially purposeful shelter.

An architect is a person or machine who is involved in the planning desing, and oversight of a building's construction.

From that we know about the word between architect and architecture still have a different meaning even have a relate between it. Architecture is something is usual about the designing,but architect is once of the proffesion is specific with the building.

Architecture still can alive without architect but there are no architect today if no architecture. It is because the person only can be an architect if he/she learn about the architecture.

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